Ground Down: Herbal Topicals for Chronic Pain - Workshop Download


An intro to crafting herbal topicals for chronic pain

Ground Down will explore some of the many ways plant medicines can be used externally for relief from chronic pain. Often, disabled, chronically-pained and immunocompromised people are unable to safely or comfortably add in yet another internal treatment to our endless list of daily pills, vitamins, tonics, etc. Finally gaining some relief from constant discomfort is the first step to truly grounding down in your body, and eventually, helps to mend the dissociation that often accompanies chronic pain.

The recipes shared in Ground Down are alcohol-free, external-only medicines suitable for those with internal sensitivities or contraindications with prescription medications. Each recipe is easy to make, accessible to those with no background in herbalism, and requires only basic kitchen tools. We’ll focus on herbs that can provide relief from muscle & nerve pain and inflammation, such as St. John’s Wort, Comfrey, Ginger, Cayenne, Arnica. Participants will learn to make an infused oil, salve, and bath soak - all of which can be tweaked to your scent preferences/sensitivities and pain level needs.


14 page PDF workshop guide, including 3 recipes (Black Pepper Pain Oil, Ginger Cayenne Pain Salve, Lavender Rosemary Pain Soak)

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